About Product
Fingerprint Access Control module has two phases namely User Enrolment/Registration & User LogIn Identification
     i. User Enrolment/Registration
User fingers are scanned and these scanned images are saved as user identification data with other details as Name, employee/User Id etc.
     ii. User LogIn Identification
Whenever User starts a particular application or tries to access data which needs authority, User Login identification scans user's finger and verifies it against registered user finger image. If the match is successful then and then only access is granted to user.

Product & Facility Details:
     • We provide splendid facility of storing User Finger Image data on centralised database so that no one other than authority can tamper the user database OR even if the device gets damaged the confidential user data remains safe.
     • Even if organisation is not willing to use centralised User database feature then it also can opt for device verification in which user Image data is saved within the scanning device.
     • Our software takes care of Access report generation and Report log maintenance.
     • User capacity is 256 for Device storage and UNLIMITED for centralized database.
     • Fingerprint Access Control module comes with easy to plug in USB 2.0 connecting cable.

     • Authorized financial transactions
     • Critical database handling
     • Accessing important software